Category: Marketing

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Good marketers understand their audiences motivations, their buying journey, the various stories that can be told to demonstrate their companies value proposition and their brands key differentiators. Good marketers tell stories. Good marketers engage. Bad marketers spew off a list...

Instagram stories is taking off. In 2019, a little more than half of Instagram’s 1 billion users access Instagram Stories every single day. The 500 million daily user count is up from 400 million in June 2018. And 2 million...

Once in a while you just need a motivational quote from a business great to get you inspired. I’ve compiled a list of 30 great business quotes for you to remember, recite and reuse. Whether you’re trying to make more...

Band-aids. Sticky Pads. Penicillin. Pumpkin spice lattes. Your last Tinder match. And your favorite Spotify playlist… Are all available thanks to experimentation. Experiments have offered us as a society some of the greatest discoveries, opportunities, and solutions EVER. Experimentation has...

Instagram is kind of a big deal. A recent surge in visual content is sweeping across every network and has been the key to Instagram becoming an excellent marketing channel for brands. Which is why we’ve created a guide to...

Recently I was asked a question: Is video the future of communications? It’s a fair question to ask with recent developments in social shaking up the industry. In case you haven’t been paying attention, here’s what I’m talking about: LinkedIn...

Marketing experiments differentiate innovative brands from the bland ones. What is a Marketing Experiment? A marketing experiment is a strategic approach used by businesses to test different marketing tactics, strategies, and activities in order to discover the most effective ways...

Your team has written thousands of words. They’ve injected keywords in it, sourced great imagery and even included a handful of expert quotes. The asset is valuable, compelling and, dare I say it, it’s what some would call 10x content....

When it comes to blogging, it’s close to impossible to know for certain how much traction a single post is going to get. If you run a blog, I’m sure you’ve had posts that you thought would go viral fall...