Category: Marketing

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You’ve built a dream team of content creators. Your keyword research is meticulous. Your content strategy seems bulletproof. But here’s the kicker: is your repurposing and content distribution strategy ACTUALLY optimized for success? Over the last 10 years, I’ve helped...

This quote from Sam Altman got the industry going: “AI will handle “95%” of marketing work done by agencies + creatives.” It’s provocative. And the industry didn’t help. Industry publications published pieces to support the idea that AI could do...

That’s not a typo. I’m talking about 2023 Yes. It might feel like that was decades ago but in reality — it wasn’t that long ago. But think about how different things may have been in your world, industry and...

You’re new to an industry. New job. New market. New sector. I’m not sure what got you there but it’s a common situation in marketing. CMOs go from one industry to the next regularly. VPs of content go from one...

What is Content Distribution? Content distribution is the strategic and systematic dissemination of your brand’s content to reach a broader audience. It involves spreading your content across multiple media platforms, channels, or networks, both online and offline. The goal is...

Have you ever felt challenged by the constant need to update content? AI can do it now. Have you ever struggled to find the perfect stock photo? AI can do it now. Have you ever dreaded the process of editing...

“Creating 1,000 mediocre pieces of content every year is hard. Creating 10 game changing pieces of content every year is hard. Choose your hard.” I wrote these exact words back in 2020 on LinkedIn. And back then. Both of these...

The landscape of the Software as a Service (SaaS) ecosystem has become increasingly crowded. It encompasses a multitude of industries, ranging from retail, healthcare, and hospitality to non-profits, real estate, transportation, and professional services, among others. In 2024, the demand...

Chefs need frying pans. Docs need stethoscopes. Plumbers need wrenches. Marketers need ChatGPT. I know some people will hate that. But I’m convinced that ChatGPT can save you over 200+ hours of time next year if you learn how to...