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“Work smart not hard.” This is one of those ideas that sounds great on a billboard. Sound perfect in a tweet. And might even get someone a few email subscribers for suggest that it’s the truth. But as much as...

How are things? Busy. That’s the most frequent response when you ask an entrepreneur or professional how things are. While it’s often just a lazy answer and not one that truly discloses how things are, it’s a real representation of...

What is cool…? I found the best answer a few years ago in this article – Find below. Cool is being yourself, comfortable in your own skin, knowing that you’re going against the grain and being unswayed by what people...

So a few weeks ago my blog was attacked by a nasty little critter called a virus. I’m not quite sure how I got it – But since then, the virus has been removed and the Cool Perspective is back...

I was creeping through Seth Godins archives this past week and stumbled upon a post that made me think. It made me think about the future and how fast things are changing every single day. This time last year I...

This week I bought a new hat. Not just a baseball cap or a stocking cap; a flat cap. Wear a baseball cap and no one notices. Wear a stocking cap and no one notices (unless its the summer). But...

Remember the scene, in that movie where all the addicts and patients sat around in a circle saying their names and what their problems were…? Well, like these people I suck at introductions – so here goes… My name is...