Tag: Facebook

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Six years ago if a client asked you for a social media strategy you’d look at them like they had two heads. While social media existed in the minds of a few six years ago, it most certainly wasn’t as...

Have you ever heard of the playboy, actor, film producer and charmer Jacques D’azur? If so, don’t be caught off guard when I tell you he isn’t actually real. He’s the main character in Stella Artois and The Cannes Film...

Once upon a time things weren’t so complicating in the world of Facebook. There wasn’t such thing as Facebook advertisements and fan pages. There was nothing but users connecting, chatting and most importantly creeping the pictures of their loser ex....

Everyone has that one musician on facebook who sends them hundreds of invites to their shows and fan page. No matter how many times you decline or press ignore; you know its not your last invite. You know that you’ll...

For a lot of people social media is another way to build their network and ultimately meet new people. While its not very difficult to build a following or get a lot of “friends” – its sometimes challenging to take...

For six years Facebook has been making it easier to creep on ex-girlfriends, snoop professors and embarrass your friends after one too many tequila shots. Over these years, Facebook has changed it’s layout five times and each time we find...