Tag: Content Marketing

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Marketing a startup is never an easy thing to do. As you begin to think about marketing your startup, you have tons of ideas for what you can do to get the word out but not always the resources and...

Do you want to get more leads from your blog? Generating leads from content isn’t just about writing a couple posts and publishing a white paper. There’s actually a science behind it. From the ads you use to generate interest to...

Did you hear about the monkey in IKEA that was spotted with a fur jacket on? Did you hear about IKEAs reaction to the monkey? If not, it’s not because you missed something awesome… it’s actually the complete opposite. They did. IKEA...

What does it take to win an the US Presidential election? You know the deal, a charismatic leader who has a vision for the middle and lower class, rallies support from celebrities and has the ability to identify and embrace...

You already know content marketing is an effective marketing approach for businesses, but how do you ensure that your content is worth reading? How do you ensure that readers keep coming back and how do you hook them like a date...

It’s okay to snap every once in a while. It’s actually good for you to get your anger out. I mean, some of the most hot-tempered people in the world have done great things with their lives professionally and personally....