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Marketing professionals know that it’s not always easy to get their content in front of their audience. Especially with the tremendous surge in content marketing we saw over the past few years. Audiences are currently swimming in content; content that’s...

If you’re a marketer with an eye on Millennials as your target audience, ignoring Instagram is a huge mistake. The entire concept of visual marketing was kickstarted by Instagram and has created a shift in how people communicate and ignoring...

When I started researching content and stories for the Ultimate Marketing Guide To Snapchat, I came across some photos and websites that were definitely NSFW. Snapchat is without question, still used to share nudes and images you don’t want Nanny...

I haven’t always appreciated tough love and harsh truths. I think back to when I was around 12 or 13 years old and my Dad was my coach for the local basketball team. He always pushed me to give 110%...

Love is a four letter word that keeps a lot of pre-teens up at night. It’s a four letter word that is filled with emotion, power and vulnerability. Love opens up the floodgates to happiness but also opens the door...

Would you believe me if I told you that Grand Theft Auto Five cost $250 million to create? In fact, it cost more to create this video game than The Avengers, Avatar and Toy Story 3. That’s right… A video...

When I started working on Stand Out: The Content Marketing Guide for Entrepreneurs, I didn’t realize how many businesses were struggling with content marketing. As I researched for case studies and examples of brands doing it well, I quickly uncovered...

You already know that Facebook is an effective marketing channel and can drive meaningful results all the way to conversion. But that’s not enough to actually understand the core value in which you can utilize this channel to take your...

The idea of developing a variety of different pieces of content as a part of your marketing mix can be an overwhelming concept. Where does content come from? Who creates it? What do I write about? How often do I...