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The other day I was taking it easy at a new bar opened by a friend of mine and a gentlemen I’ve run into a few times enters the bar. He walks right up to me, shakes my hand and...

Have you ever seen a status update from a brand with hundreds of shares? You know, one of those clever images that play off of something that happened recently in the news or was going viral on sites like BuzzFeed...

What many people don’t know is that my obsession with social media and technology all started with Football. It was my first year of University and because things like Facebook didn’t exist, I procrastinated by writing a daily Fantasy Football...

I’m a competitive person. I play to win no matter what the game is. No matter if were playing a game of scrabble or a game of dodgeball; I play to win. And while its often a fault of mine...

Last year the digital pin-board site launched attracting millions of users to end 2011 as one of the Top 10 most visited sites online. While many marketers and digital natives looked at Google+ as the next-big thing for 2012, I’m...

Ten years ago, social networks like Facebook didn’t exist. The idea of being able to call your friend using video chat was a dream rather than a reality. Ten years before that, the Internet was still something that no one...

When talking about Facebook, a question I often get is whether or not you should accept people you aren’t actually friends with. For me, I have no problem accepting a friend request from someone I just met at a conference...

The image above was shared by Facebook Marketing Solutions and provides a great guide to how you can generate brand awareness using their website. Save it and feel free to share it with your friends!


Growing up in the 90’s I had the chance to watch The Chicago Bulls, one of the greatest basketball teams to ever play in the NBA. It consisted of three NBA Hall of Famers; Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and the...