Category: Just Business

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American History is a part of Canadian history. As much as many Canadians like to take a holier than thou position as if we’re a whole lot different from America – the truth is; our history is very well connected....

Here’s the email I sent to my mailing list on March 12, 2020: I had two emails queued up this week but didn’t press send. One was to promote a new YouTube video. One was to promote a product. But...

Hands down one of the best marketing lessons I’ve ever learned came from someone who doesn’t work in marketing. In fact, they’re likely someone who if you were able to go back in time and ask them to define marketing...

You’ve heard the boast: Yeah… I’m so busy… I just don’t have time to watch TV. It’s often a humble brag. But it’s often misguided by many as the time that they once spent glued to TV has simply shifted...

How To Get A Career or Job In Marketing: Prioritize Education Over Entertainment Build Your Personal Brand While You Wait Join Social Networks Like Twitter & LinkedIn Find 10 People And Build Real Relationships Read The Boring Stuff & Do...

Just over three years ago I walked away from my 9 to 5 to start my own freelance business. The uncertainty of what was next ended up being the fuel that I needed to get me from the first day...

What’s it take to be like Tony Stark? While Batman and Spiderman hide behind a mask, Iron Man wants the world to know that Tony Stark is the man in the suit. He’s a character who the world can relate...

hustler: n. someone skilled at turning a profit no matter what the enterprise. [The following post is a revised version of my answer to a question re: Career Advice: “How do I become a Hustler?” on Quora] What does it...

Young entrepreneurs often have the hardest time negotiating because of lack of confidence. We often find ourselves believing that we’re not as smart as someone with years of experience in negotiating and that everything they say is gold. Some individuals...