Category: Entrepreneurship

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Below you're going to find some strategies and lessons that I've used along the way and some of the inspiration that I've taken from the lyrics of Drake. Whatever your motivations, I'm confident that if you take these ideas and...

Just over three years ago I walked away from my 9 to 5 to start my own freelance business. The uncertainty of what was next ended up being the fuel that I needed to get me from the first day...

“How can I become a better freelancer? What can I do to generate more business??” These are two great questions. Two questions that I found myself asking a few years back. One business icon who I’ve grown to admire over...

It’s happened to me. It will happen to you. It happens to everyone who hustles for a living. You know what it is… The dreaded Slow Season. Things stop coming in. What once was a river of work has slowed...

What’s it take to be like Tony Stark? While Batman and Spiderman hide behind a mask, Iron Man wants the world to know that Tony Stark is the man in the suit. He’s a character who the world can relate...

hustler: n. someone skilled at turning a profit no matter what the enterprise. [The following post is a revised version of my answer to a question re: Career Advice: “How do I become a Hustler?” on Quora] What does it...

Last week I got an email that reminded me of myself when I first got started in the world of marketing and freelancing. It was a cold email from a graphic designer who was looking to help with my Slideshare...

What’s the most valuable thing you own? Is it your house? Is it your car? Is it your phone? It’s none of the above. The most valuable thing you own is your time. Where you invest your time today will...

Young entrepreneurs often have the hardest time negotiating because of lack of confidence. We often find ourselves believing that we’re not as smart as someone with years of experience in negotiating and that everything they say is gold. Some individuals...