The Blog

My thoughts on:

It’s been over a decade since I pressed publish on my first piece of content online. In that time, I’ve made lifelong friends. I’ve reached millions of people. I’ve written more than four ebooks. I’ve written hundreds of blog posts...

Humans never stop learning. Whether it’s personal growth or professional game-changing, this relentless pursuit of knowledge is our superpower. It keeps us innovative, agile, and ahead of the curve. I’ve analyzed Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, surveyed LinkedIn execs and asked...

Most recent posts

I wasn’t always a Jay-Z fan. In fact, I would say that I was one of the late passengers to hop on the Jay-Z train. While many of my friends were listening to the likes of Jay-Z and Biggie on...

So you want to become the next great advertising/public relations professional right? Well, there are several good advertising professionals and you can easily become one of them. It’s what differentiates the good from the great that will truly allow you...

You can pay to have your brand exposed to millions at the Superbowl. You can send out tweets on a day to day basis to engage with your customers. You can even send your top customers special offers and discounts....

Brand advocates are the people who will support your brand no matter the circumstances. While marketers and PR professionals refer to these people as brand advocates, a popular term used to reference this kind of behaviour is: fanboyism. Brand advocates prefer...

A presentation or speech can make the world of difference in your career. It’s your moment to share with a group of captivated listeners your story, message, dreams or share your passion. It’s the grown-up professional show and tell. It’s...

Think of the most difficult person you have ever had to work with in your entire life. Now, think back to how you coped with this individual and the raw emotions that encompassed your body. If you’re like most people,...

In 2006, Will Smith played the character of Chris Gardner in the award-winning movie, The Pursuit of Happyness. Throughout the movie we watch as a struggling salesman does everything he can to reach his dreams. His dreams of providing a...

Ten years ago the web was a completely different world. The landscape included only one or two vlogs and an extremely small group of individuals discussing marketing and strategy. Today, we have at our disposal thousands of podcasts, millions of...

One of the worst things you can teach someone using social media is the original concept of ABC. Always Be Closing. While its a great concept when you’re working at a call center or as a hotshot in the boiler-room....