The Blog

My thoughts on:

It’s been over a decade since I pressed publish on my first piece of content online. In that time, I’ve made lifelong friends. I’ve reached millions of people. I’ve written more than four ebooks. I’ve written hundreds of blog posts...

Humans never stop learning. Whether it’s personal growth or professional game-changing, this relentless pursuit of knowledge is our superpower. It keeps us innovative, agile, and ahead of the curve. I’ve analyzed Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, surveyed LinkedIn execs and asked...

Most recent posts

Whether I was studying in University or working full-time, I’ve always had a side hustle on the go. In University I was selling Football jerseys online and while working the 9-5 I was creating unique experiences for young professionals. For...

You already know that Facebook is an effective marketing channel and can drive meaningful results all the way to conversion. But that’s not enough to actually understand the core value in which you can utilize this channel to take your...

Don Draper is easily one of my favorite characters on “Mad Men.” As a self-described digital Mad Man, I take great pleasure in watching his character manoeuvre through a day of ideation and marketing. Don Draper is what many would...

Generating a handful of likes on Facebook isn’t hard. It’s also not hard to create Facebook posts that go viral. Now, if you’re struggling with these first two tactics, there are a handful of posts out there on making great...

I’ve always been fascinated by teachers, professors and professionals who are able to deliver a presentation and rock the stage like a musician. Especially those who experience repeated success and can consistently deliver great presentations time after time again. In...

My first love was Hip Hop. Now, I know Hip Hop gets a bad rap (pun fully intended) but I’m not of the belief that all Hip Hop music is bad. If you can get past some of the language...

Few would argue that content marketing changed digital marketing as a whole in the last couple years. In an industry that started with big box ads, search engine marketing and making sales on forums; the digital marketer of today requires...

I sent a long text message explanation to my mom and pop I got the same speech when I left 30 Rock My mom like “Why you wanna leave a good job?” My dad like “Do your thing, boy, don’t...

Content marketing may not be as difficult as physics or heart surgery but there is still certain layers of complexity that need to be considered. If you want your blog posts, infographics or videos to go viral, you have to...