The Blog

My thoughts on:

You’ve built a dream team of content creators. Your keyword research is meticulous. Your content strategy seems bulletproof. But here’s the kicker: is your repurposing and content distribution strategy ACTUALLY optimized for success? Over the last 10 years, I’ve helped...

Artificial Intelligence has made remarkable advancements across various domains, from content creation and image generation to revolutionizing coding processes. But its impact on video production is equally transformative. Today, AI-powered video generators empower users to produce stunning videos within minutes,...

Most recent posts

I’ve mentioned before how important I think it is for people to have a side-hustle. Not only does a side hustle keep you from standing still in life, it allows you to earn extra income and do something you’re passionate...

There is no doubt that Facebook has changed a lot over the last 12 months. I remember the days when Facebook pages looked completely different from profiles and the idea of having a cover photo was unheard of. Over the...

This was originally published on my newsletter which you can subscribe to here. How was the first half of your year? 182 days have gone by since January 1st. 182 days that you will never get back and never...

Sometimes people will favourite your tweets, other times they’ll reply and if you’re really lucky you might even land a retweet. While each of these interactions are great, the retweet often has more benefit than any other. You know just...

I wasn’t always good at public speaking. I remember blowing one of my first presentations out of University at an event I was far from prepared for. It was a disaster but it was that moment I knew I had...

It’s true, the idea of making a long-term digital strategy isn’t as popular as it should be. Over the past few years, businesses have gotten caught up in implementing quick and easy tactics instead of building strategies and plans that...

Content that sparks emotion is the single biggest difference between content that gets shared and content that doesn’t. Every day there are thousands of photos, videos, blog posts and infographics shared across the web. While some people may feel their...

It’s difficult to admit that you work in a boring industry but it’s okay if you do. In fact, if your industry is considered boring by most than it’s probably an industry that’s ripe for content marketing disruption. The BBB’s...

Getting Generation-Y to like your product or think you’re cool is almost as difficult as getting a kid to stay keep their composure in a toy store. With millions of brands fighting for their attention, standing out in the boundless...