13 Different Types Of Lead Magnets Brands Can Create To Generate Leads


Are you struggling to capture the attention of your target audience?

Wondering how you can turn casual browsers into eager leads?

You’re not alone. But here’s the secret sauce:

Lead magnets.

Yes, those irresistible pieces of content designed to snatch up email addresses like a magnet attracts nails. Now, I know what you’re thinking…

“But how do I create a lead magnet that actually works?”

Well, buckle up because we’re about to dive deep into the world of lead magnets.

From understanding what makes them tick to crafting one that your audience can’t help but download, we’ve got all the insights you need.

So, are you ready to transform your lead generation game? Let’s get started!

What are lead magnets?

Examples of Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are powerful tools that brands use to attract and capture potential customers by offering valuable content or resources in exchange for contact information.

These assets are designed to entice visitors, provide value, and ultimately convert them into leads.

Here are 13 different types of lead magnets that you can incorporate into your blog to drive better results:

1. TL;DR Summaries

In a world where time is a premium, TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read) summaries offer a condensed version of lengthy articles, reports, or books. By providing a quick and concise summary, brands can appeal to busy professionals who want the key points without the time commitment.

TL;DR downloads, when integrated into long-form content, can significantly amplify the return on investment (ROI) for content marketing efforts. This strategic approach caters to the segment of your audience that prefers bite-sized information over deep dives due to time constraints or personal preference.

By offering a TL;DR version, you not only respect their time but also provide an entry point to your brand’s ecosystem. Once these users see the value in your summarized content, they may be more inclined to engage with your full-length materials, increasing page views and time spent on your site. Furthermore, this tactic enhances lead generation as users are often willing to exchange their contact information for the convenience of quick insights.

Over time, nurturing these leads with tailored communications can lead them down the sales funnel, converting initial interest into tangible business outcomes. Hence, TL;DR downloads serve as both an accessible introduction to your content offerings and a powerful lever for boosting engagement, lead capture, and ultimately driving higher ROI from your content marketing strategy.

2. Short Courses

Short Course Lead Magnet

Short courses are educational resources that provide in-depth knowledge on a specific topic.

These can be delivered through email series, video tutorials, or downloadable content. They position your brand as an authority in the industry while providing substantial value to the audience. It’s absolute lead magnet gold.

In many media and content engines focused on generating leads the idea of courses is that they’re used to acquire MQLs or SQLs.

Having a Call to Action (CTA) that invites users to sign up for a short course is an incredibly effective lead generation tool for B2B companies. This strategy works on multiple levels. First, it taps into the innate human desire for growth and learning by offering tangible value through education. When businesses offer courses that enlighten potential customers about industry-specific topics, they’re not just sharing knowledge; they’re building trust and establishing themselves as thought leaders.

Moreover, a well-crafted CTA for a short course can act as a gateway for deeper engagement. By signing up, prospects provide their contact information, which can be used for further tailored marketing efforts.

This exchange—knowledge for contact details—is the cornerstone of effective inbound marketing strategies. It ensures that the leads generated are not just numerous but also qualified, as these individuals have already shown a keen interest in what your company has to offer.

3. Spreadsheets

Customizable spreadsheets can serve as practical tools for organizing data, managing finances, or planning projects. By offering a pre-made spreadsheet template, brands can help users save time and streamline their processes, making this a highly valuable lead magnet.

Spreadsheets with templates have emerged as incredibly popular lead magnets for a simple reason: they combine utility with ease of use. Users adore them because they offer a ready-made solution to common problems, whether it’s budgeting, project management, or data analysis.

The appeal lies in their immediate applicability and the fact that they save hours of setup time. By providing customizable spreadsheet templates, companies tap into the universal desire for efficiency and organization, making these tools highly effective for attracting qualified leads who are eager to streamline their workflows and improve productivity.

4. PDF Versions

Offering a PDF version of a popular blog post or guide allows users to download and access the content offline. This is especially useful for long-form content that users might want to refer to later or read at their own pace.

5. Cheat Sheets

Cheat Sheets Lead Magnet

Cheat sheets condense essential information into an easy-to-digest format, such as a one-page guide or checklist. These are highly shareable and provide immediate value, making them effective for capturing leads who seek quick solutions.

Cheat sheets stand out as an exceptional lead magnet in the B2B sector due to their straightforward and practical nature. In industries where time is money, professionals are constantly on the lookout for tools that promise efficiency and clarity.

Cheat sheets serve this need perfectly by distilling complex information or processes into a clear, concise format. This not only aids in decision-making but also positions your brand as an authority in your field, fostering trust among potential clients. Additionally, the inherent shareability of cheat sheets amplifies their value; as they circulate within professional networks, they naturally increase brand visibility and attract more qualified leads who are likely to be interested in your offerings.

6. Video Assets

Video Assets Lead Magnet

Video content, such as tutorials, webinars, or explainer videos, can be a powerful lead magnet. Videos engage users visually and can explain complex concepts more effectively than text alone, driving higher conversion rates.

Sometimes, despite the value and depth written content provides, potential leads prefer consuming information in a more dynamic and engaging format. Recognizing this preference, creating video versions of popular blog posts can serve as an excellent lead magnet.

This approach caters to visual learners and those who may not have the time or inclination to read through lengthy articles. By offering video content that summarizes or complements your written pieces, you’re not only meeting your audience where they are but also providing them with immediate value. This strategy not only broadens your reach but also enhances the accessibility of your content, making it easier for leads to understand and engage with your brand’s message.

7. Calculators

Interactive calculators allow users to input their data and receive personalized results, such as cost estimates or ROI projections. These tools are highly engaging and can provide immediate value, making them excellent for lead generation.

Calculators, as a facet of interactive content, have carved out a very profitable niche in digital marketing and lead generation strategies. This profitability stems from their unique ability to provide tailored solutions to users’ specific problems or questions.

When a user inputs their data into a calculator, they receive personalized results that not only offer immediate value but also demonstrate the potential benefits of a product or service directly related to their needs. This personalized interaction significantly increases the likelihood of conversion, as it establishes trust and credibility between the brand and the potential customer.

Moreover, these calculators can be an invaluable source of data for businesses, offering insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and needs.

This data can then be leveraged to inform marketing strategies, product development, and sales approaches, making calculators not just a tool for engagement but a powerful driver of business intelligence. By effectively using calculators as lead magnets, businesses can enhance their lead quality and quantity while also providing significant value to their audience—a combination that underpins the profitability of this approach in today’s digital landscape.

8. Templates

Template Lead Magnet

Templates save users time by providing a pre-formatted structure for documents, presentations, or designs. Whether it’s a business plan, content calendar, or social media post template, offering these resources positions your brand as a helpful resource.

I’ve used templates (as you can see in the example above) to build our mailing list for Foundation.

But I’m not alone.

Brands like Hubspot have used templates to acquire leads for years. Here’s a screenshot of their blog tailored towards users who are interested in their website related project:

You click on the “Get the Template” lead magnet and are immediately sent to a landing page that allows you to download for free:

All it requires is an email:

Here’s why this approach stands out as a winning exercise for lead generation:

  • The only person who is downloading code snippet templates is going to be someone who has some technical understanding and is already aware of how valuable these snippets could be.

Templates stand as an indispensable asset in the B2B SaaS content marketing arsenal, primarily because they directly address a common pain point for businesses: the need for efficiency and effectiveness in operations. When a company provides templates related to their service or industry, they’re not just offering a tool; they’re providing a pathway to success. This act positions the brand as an ally in the customer’s journey towards achieving their goals. In addition to saving time, these templates can serve as a tangible demonstration of the company’s expertise and understanding of their market’s challenges.

The power of templates as a lead magnet lies in their practicality and immediate value to potential leads. By simplifying complex tasks, templates make it easier for prospects to visualize how the SaaS solution can be integrated into their daily workflows.

This visualization is crucial for converting leads into customers in the B2B space, where purchasing decisions are often scrutinized for how well they return on investment. Furthermore, by customizing these templates with subtle branding and links back to the provider’s services, companies can nurture leads through the sales funnel more effectively, turning a free resource into a gateway for deeper engagement and ultimately, conversion.

9. Checklists

Checklist Lead Magnet

Checklists are simple yet effective tools that help users stay organized and ensure they don’t miss any critical steps in a process. They are easy to consume and implement, making them appealing to users looking for actionable guidance.

Checklists stand out as an exceptional lead magnet for several compelling reasons. Firstly, their straightforward nature demystifies complex tasks or processes, breaking them down into manageable steps. This simplicity in design and utility makes checklists incredibly accessible and immediately useful to a wide audience, regardless of their expertise level. Additionally, by offering a tangible path to achieving specific goals or completing tasks, checklists empower users with a sense of accomplishment and progress. This psychological boost not only fosters trust between the user and the brand but also encourages further engagement with the brand’s offerings.

The versatility of checklists allows them to be tailored to virtually any industry or niche, enhancing their appeal as a personalized resource that speaks directly to the user’s needs. From daily routines to project milestones, checklists serve as a versatile tool in guiding users towards their objectives while simultaneously generating valuable leads for businesses looking to connect with their target audience effectively.

10. Webinars

Webinars provide a live, interactive platform for educating your audience on a specific topic. They allow for real-time engagement and offer an opportunity for brands to showcase their expertise. Recording the webinar and offering it as a replay can also serve as an evergreen lead magnet.

11. Ebooks

Ebooks are comprehensive guides that delve deep into a particular subject. They offer substantial value to readers and are an excellent way to demonstrate your brand’s authority. By addressing specific pain points or topics of interest, ebooks can attract and convert leads effectively.

Ebooks stand as a formidable lead magnet for marketers, primarily due to their versatility and depth. These digital publications can cover a wide range of topics in considerable detail, allowing marketers to tailor the content to the specific interests or needs of their target audience. When designed with engaging visuals and compelling narratives, ebooks can captivate readers, encouraging them to explore a brand’s offerings more deeply.

Moreover, the inclusion of actionable insights and practical tips within an ebook can foster trust between the reader and the brand, positioning the latter as a thought leader in its domain. By offering ebooks in exchange for contact information, marketers can build a rich database of potential leads who have already shown interest in their field of expertise. This strategy not only enhances lead generation efforts but also supports the nurturing of these leads into loyal customers over time.

12. Demos

Offering a demo of your product or service allows potential customers to experience its value firsthand. Demos can be live or pre-recorded and provide an opportunity to address common questions and objections, making them highly effective at moving leads further down the sales funnel.

13. Slides

Slides Lead Magnet

Sharing presentation slides from a recent webinar, conference, or internal meeting can be a valuable resource for your audience. Slides typically contain concise information and visuals, making them easy to consume and share. This type of lead magnet appeals to those who prefer visual learning.

Wrapping Up This Summary Of Lead Magnets

By leveraging these 13 types of lead magnets, brands can attract a wide range of prospects, provide value, and ultimately convert them into leads.

The key is to offer content that resonates with your target audience and aligns with their needs, ensuring that your lead magnets not only generate leads but also build lasting relationships with potential customers.

Here’s a few more insights around how to develop lead magnets that work for B2B brands.