How To Use ChatGPT For Digital Marketing In 2024


More than 180M people have used ChatGPT according to the latest ChatGPT research.

The intersection of AI & SEO is already one of the most talked about trends in marketing. There’s no denying artificial intelligence and ChatGPTs transformative power in digital marketing. With tools like ChatGPT, marketers can take their daily productivity levels to the next level. But how exactly should they approach it?

In this article, I’m going to share exactly how ChatGPT can revolutionize your digital marketing efforts in 2024. But for those of you who love video…

Here’s a walkthrough of some proprietary research and the findings:

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. It uses machine learning to generate human-like text based on the prompts you provide. This makes it a versatile tool for creating content, generating ideas, and even providing customer support.

The Evolution of AI in Marketing

The use of AI in marketing isn’t new.

Early applications included basic chatbots and data analytics tools. However, with advancements in natural language processing (NLP), AI tools like ChatGPT can understand and generate complex text, making them invaluable for modern marketing.  In fact, experts predict that by 2024, AI will power 85% of customer interactions.

So, how can ChatGPT specifically benefit your business?

Well, for starters, it can save you time and resources. Instead of spending hours brainstorming ideas or creating content from scratch, you can simply input a prompt into ChatGPT and have it generate multiple options for you to choose from.

ChatGPT’s ability to understand human language means its responses are more natural and personalized than traditional chatbots. This can significantly improve the user experience and increase customer satisfaction. But perhaps the most exciting aspect of ChatGPT is its potential for predictive marketing. By analyzing massive amounts of data and use machine learning, ChatGPT can run natural language processing efforts that allow you to transcribe calls, get insight from zoom recordings and even use its visual AI technology to better understand what is going on in different images and ads.

But the benefits of ChatGPT don’t stop there.

Its advanced technology also allows for multi-lingual support, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to expand globally. And with its 24/7 availability, customers can receive assistance and information anytime they need it.

Ultimately, integrating ChatGPT into your business can streamline processes, improve customer interactions, and drive success. With its power to understand and generate human-like responses, this AI tool will undoubtedly continue to shape the way businesses communicate with their customers in the future.

Let’s dive into how ChatGPT can be used across the board for marketing teams:

Content Marketing

In a recent AI + Marketing study conducted by Foundation, the majority of marketers (75%) identified that they believe content writers are at the most risk due to AI:



Generating Content Ideas

Finding fresh and engaging content ideas can be a challenge.

If you’re able to understand great Prompt Engineering than ChatGPT can be a goldmine for generating ideas. With ChatGPT, you can overcome this hurdle by using its AI capabilities to generate unique and relevant content ideas. Here’s four sample prompts that can work extremely well:

1. Brainwriting

Prompt: “Let’s collaborate on generating ideas for [topic]. Begin by jotting down a multitude of ideas, and I’ll expand on them with relevant insights. Please format your response using markdown.”

2. Reverse Brainstorming

Prompt: “Utilizing reverse brainstorming for [topic] involves generating deliberately poor ideas to ignite creativity and steer us towards fresh perspectives..”

3. Mind Mapping

Prompt: “Create a comprehensive mind map for [topic], commencing from a central concept and expanding outward with interconnected branches of associated ideas..”

4. Assumptions

Prompt: “Enumerate your assumptions regarding [topic], followed by strategies to challenge them for innovative ideas. Narrate your journey through this process and identify 10 content ideas we could write on these topics.”

You can also use ChatGPT to spark creativity by asking it open-ended questions or giving it specific prompts related to your brand. This not only saves time but also ensures that your content is tailored for your target audience. ChatGPT can help you brainstorm topics that resonate with your audience.

For example, you can prompt it with, “Suggest blog post ideas for the fitness industry,” and receive a list of compelling topics. From there, you can choose the ones that align with your brand and audience’s interest.

This can save you time and effort in coming up with ideas on your own.

Creating Content Outlines

Once you have your content ideas, the next step is structuring them. ChatGPT can help create detailed outlines, complete with H2 and H3 headings and bullet points. This ensures your content is well-organized and easy to follow.  Plus, it gives you a clear roadmap for writing and helps prevent writer’s block.

AI tools like ChatGPT can revolutionize the creation of SEO-optimized content briefs by leveraging their understanding of key SEO principles and algorithms.

By inputting targeted keywords, desired content length, and specific user intent, these AI platforms can generate comprehensive content briefs that highlight essential SEO elements such as keyword density, meta descriptions, and optimal content structure.

This not only streamlines the content creation process but also ensures that the final product is primed for high search engine rankings. The integration of AI in crafting these briefs allows for a tailored approach, making it easier to produce content that resonates with both search engines and readers. One of my favorite tools for this task is JasperAI which is an AI writing tool.

Writing and Editing

ChatGPT can generate first drafts and even help refine your content. For instance, you can ask it to “Write a blog post about the benefits of remote work in a conversational tone.” It can also assist with proofreading, enhancing readability, and ensuring your content is error-free.  With ChatGPT, you can save time and effort on the writing and editing process, making it easier to produce high-quality content.

SEO Optimization

Ongoing On-Site Content Optimizations

ChatGPT can also aid in enhancing your website’s SEO. By generating keyword-rich titles and suggestions for meta descriptions, you can improve your search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic to your site. With its vast knowledge of language usage and patterns, ChatGPT can give you an edge in crafting compelling content that resonates with both readers and search engines.

Keyword Research

Effective keyword research is crucial for SEO. ChatGPT can generate a list of relevant keywords for your topic as inspiration but should not be used for conducting full keyword research and making projections. Just prompt it with, “Generate a list of keywords for eco-friendly products,” and you’ll have a solid starting point for your SEO strategy. My recommendation would be to then use these keywords as an uploaded list to put into a keyword research tool like Moz, Ahrefs, SEMRush or Similarweb.

SEO Content Outlines

Structuring your content to align with SEO best practices is essential. ChatGPT can play a key role in helping you create SEO-friendly content outlines, ensuring your articles are optimized for search engines.

As much as I love ChatGPT, the best AI tool I’ve found for content outlines is Frase.

Frase stands out as an AI marketing tool specifically designed for crafting SEO content outlines that not only meet but exceed the expectations of search engines. What sets Frase apart is its ability to understand the intent behind search queries, enabling it to generate content outlines that are deeply aligned with what users are searching for online.

Here’s what it looks like when you’re creating an asset directly in Frase:

This precision in understanding user intent and the SERP allows Frase to suggest subheadings, keywords, and topics that make your content more likely to rank higher on search engine results pages.

Creating Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title tags and meta descriptions are vital for SEO. ChatGPT can help generate these elements, making sure they are both engaging and keyword-rich. For instance, you can ask, “Generate title tags and meta descriptions for an article about sustainable fashion.”

Digital Marketing Strategy

AI can revolutionize how businesses understand and map out the customer journey.

As an example, let’s say you’re a marketer for a protein bar company.  By analyzing data from various assets consumed by the LLM, ChatGPT can string together patterns and insights into the buying process. Here’s a sample journey map for someone buying a protein bar:


I’m not saying this journey map is something fresh out of the mouth of the CMO at Pure Protein but it’s pretty good.

It’s definitely on par with what most 3-4 year marketing professionals could deliver.

ChatGPT can then generate detailed journey maps that highlight critical stages, such as awareness, consideration, and decision-making. These maps can include personalized recommendations on how to engage customers at each stage, based on their behavior and feedback. For instance, AI could suggest targeted content or offers that resonate with health-conscious consumers in the awareness phase or provide comparisons and reviews to those in the consideration stage. This approach enables businesses to create more effective marketing strategies and improve customer experiences by anticipating needs and providing relevant information at just the right time.

One of my suggestions for how to improve this prompt would be to give the AI some exemplars.

Exemplars are not necessary for every prompt but including one greatly improves the quality of output. An exemplar is additional reference points that allow the AI to go deeper when crafting the reply. Here’s a sample of a prompt with more context and exeplars which lead to better outputs:


Social Media Marketing

Creating Engaging Posts

Social media is all about engagement.

ChatGPT can craft creative posts for platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. You can prompt it with, “Write a Facebook post promoting our new eco-friendly product line,” and receive an engaging post ready for publication.

Here are 4 social media tools you can use for creating engaging posts:

  • Jasper AI: You can use this to create high value assets for LinkedIn, X and more.
  • HypeFury: One of the best X AI tools. Hypefury is a great tool for SM teams.
  • Buffer: One of the original social media scheduling tools. Helps craft great posts.
  • TweetHunter: Craft posts for X that resonate with your audience with AI.

All of these AI social media writing tools are worth considering as a part of the mix.

Developing Video Scripts

Video content is king, but creating scripts can be time-consuming.

ChatGPT can generate scripts for YouTube, TikTok, and other platforms. For example, you can ask it to “Write a video script for a product launch on YouTube,” and get a well-structured script in minutes. In the AI Marketing Console, I share a handful of prompts that marketers can use when developing strong video scripts.

Here’s a video that shows how you can use Keywords Everywhere and ChatGPT to craft great TikTok scripts:

Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective channels for directly reaching and engaging your audience.

Its power lies in its ability to provide personalized content directly to the inbox of your target audience, making it a critical tool for nurturing leads and driving conversions. With the advancement of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an invaluable addition to email marketing strategies.

AI can analyze vast amounts of data to predict customer behavior, enabling marketers to send highly targeted emails at the optimal time. By leveraging AI, businesses can automate their email campaigns, ensuring that their messages are relevant and timely, thereby increasing open rates and engagement.

AI tools can assist in crafting compelling subject lines and content that resonates with readers, making every email more effective. In essence, integrating AI into your email marketing efforts can significantly enhance the personalization and effectiveness of your campaigns, leading to higher engagement rates and ultimately driving better results.

Drafting Email Campaigns

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to reach your audience.

ChatGPT can help draft engaging email content for newsletters, product launches, and special offers. Just prompt it with, “Draft an email newsletter announcing our upcoming event,” and watch it work its magic.

Personalizing Email Content

Personalization is key to successful email marketing. ChatGPT can tailor emails to different audience segments. For instance, you can ask it to “Write a follow-up email for customers who abandoned their cart,” and receive a customized email that encourages conversions.

Data Analysis and Insights

Analyzing Marketing Data

Interpreting data from campaigns can be challenging. ChatGPT can assist by analyzing performance metrics and offering insights. For example, you can prompt it with, “Analyze the performance of our Google Ad Campaign keywords,” and get a detailed analysis.

Generating Reports

Creating comprehensive reports based on data analysis is another area where ChatGPT excels.

You can ask it to “Write a report summarizing our website traffic data for the past month,” and receive a well-structured report that’s ready to share with stakeholders. One of my favorite prompts for ChatGPT is “Pretend you’re a McKinsey & Co analyst who has deep understanding in [Topic]. Review the research and data attached and develop a report.”

Customer Engagement

Chatbots and Customer Support

Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular for customer support. ChatGPT can be integrated into chatbots to improve customer interactions. You can prompt it with, “Create a chatbot response script for common customer inquiries,” and get a script that enhances customer satisfaction.

Personalized Recommendations

Offering personalized product or content recommendations can boost customer loyalty. ChatGPT can help by suggesting products based on previous purchases. For example, you can ask it to “Suggest products based on customer’s previous purchases,” and provide tailored recommendations.

Limitations and Best Practices

Understanding Limitations

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it’s important to understand its limitations. It may provide outdated information and requires human oversight to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Ensuring Accuracy and Originality

To maintain credibility, always verify the information generated by ChatGPT. Use plagiarism checkers to ensure originality and avoid duplicate content.

Ethical Considerations

Using AI ethically in marketing is crucial. Be transparent with your customers about the use of AI and ensure your practices comply with relevant regulations and guidelines.