Category: Startups

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A successful entrepreneur strives to constantly bring a fresh perspective to every obstacle and challenge. They recognize their weaknesses and strengths and bring in a wide variety of talents to help their business grow and become as successful as possible....

Marketing a startup is never an easy thing to do. As you begin to think about marketing your startup, you have tons of ideas for what you can do to get the word out but not always the resources and...

Do you know why your presentation is going to fall flat on its face? It’s not because you have horrible presentation skills… it’s actually because you don’t know how to present your ideas in an impactful way. You can learn...

The other day I was taking it easy at a new bar opened by a friend of mine and a gentlemen I’ve run into a few times enters the bar. He walks right up to me, shakes my hand and...

Personal development and life hacking has become a popular topic as of late for bloggers and media outlets. The key to true personal development is self actualization and admitting and identifying the things you do well and things you need...

What many people don’t know is that my obsession with social media and technology all started with Football. It was my first year of University and because things like Facebook didn’t exist, I procrastinated by writing a daily Fantasy Football...

It’s official. I’ve been alive for 9,000 days. That’s 24 birthdays, more than a hundred handshakes, a thousand hugs, a handful of kisses, a few deaths, a couple births, four graduations, friends made and friends lost – decisions made and...

Last year the digital pin-board site launched attracting millions of users to end 2011 as one of the Top 10 most visited sites online. While many marketers and digital natives looked at Google+ as the next-big thing for 2012, I’m...