Category: Social Media Marketing

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Instagram stories is taking off. In 2019, a little more than half of Instagram’s 1 billion users access Instagram Stories every single day. The 500 million daily user count is up from 400 million in June 2018. And 2 million...

Marketers are disliked and borderline hated on Reddit. As a Redditor… And a Marketer…. This entire topic leaves me stuck between a rock and a hard place. I know for certain that there are marketers who have done some stupid,...

Instagram has more than 1 Billion people using the platform worldwide! That’s massive. And if you think that no one using Instagram is a professional – You’re dead wrong. B2B marketers need to start viewing Instagram as a channel where...

Most of us have heard the story by now. Facebook created two AI chatbots that went rogue and created their own language before being shut down. Pretty terrifying right? The reality is, the headline doesn’t exactly do the situation justice....

The content landscape is more crowded than ever before. No matter where you look, there always seems to be an endless amount of noise. Whether it Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Reddit, Quora… Pretty much every corner of the...

This might be the most ridiculous post I’ve ever written. But I’m okay with it. I’m okay with it because people are getting WAYYYYYY to heated over whether or not Twitter should have 280 characters or whether Twitter should have...

One of the most powerful elements of LinkedIn are the connections you’ve made with people and the relationships you maintain. The more people you’re connected to on LinkedIn, the better the chances for your content to reach people outside of...

Do you want to develop an awesome following on Twitter? Without awesome followers you can start to feel as if you’re using twitter to simply chat to yourself. Without a solid group of followers who are engaged, passionate and care...