Category: Inspiration

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Companies are spending thousands of dollars to get bloggers to review their products and services on their websites. The idea of blogger outreach has become a heavily discussed tactic in digital and social media marketing.  Some companies have based their...

If you haven’t heard of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare you are way too cool for this blog. It has been one of the most talked about video games since Mario Kart 64. And if you’ve never heard of that...

This chat from J.K. Rowling is about two years old now. But as I watch several of my friends update their facebook statuses saying they’re done I can only hope that they’ve watched this video. The words of J.K. Rowling...

The Consumerist shared an article about a new 32% beer recently. Here’s a piece, It could be the biggest thing from the UK to hit American shores since the British Invasion — or at the very least it could do...

In my world there are two types of burgers – those with peanut butter and those without it. In my last year of university I found Darrells. A small restaurant that sold a local gem – “The Peanut Butter Burger.”...

You see that guy on the left? Yeah, he’s only a few steps away from getting to the top. He’ll reach the top before anyone else in this picture. While the crowd follows one another he tries to get to...

Consumers are blocking out advertisements because the majority of them are pointless and never compare to an ad that is memorable. Some would argue that the reason they don’t remember has nothing to do with the Ads, and more to...

The Olympics are a great time to show your stripes and be proud of your countries fine athletes. The 2010 Winter Olympics started off with a blunder. The Olympics wardrobe torch malfunction was seen by millions of people all over...